Tag Archive: science fiction

Book Review – Beckon by Tom Pawlik

Movie Review: Star Trek – Into Darkness

This post is now available here: http://rebekahloper.wordpress.com/2013/08/15/bdn-archive-star-trek-into-darkness-movie-review/

Book Review: Divergent by Veronica Roth

This post is now available here: http://rebekahloper.wordpress.com/2013/08/13/bdn-archive-divergent-by-veronica-roth-book-review/

Book Review: The Charge by Sharon Bayliss

What’s coming up in February!

First off, if you haven’t voted for my novel, Catalyst, in the 2013 NaNo Virtuosos contest, go do it! For more info, please visit this post. Secondly, there’s a few things that I’m… Continue reading

CSFF Blog Tour – The Spirit Well by Stephen Lawhead

A day late and a dollar short . . . well, who isn’t a dollar short these days, really? I know I said I’d have this post up yesterday, but that’s life for… Continue reading

Science Fiction, Monsters, and All Hallow’s Eve

I apologize for my lack of posting last week, fall cleaning took priority.  I have cleaned the kitchen from top to bottom, and most of the rest of the house, rearranged the furniture,… Continue reading

My Writing Trivia – Prize: $10 Amazon.com Gift Card

It’s test time!  Okay, not really . .  but I couldn’t resist!  Once again, just a reminder that you must be a subscriber to my blog to be eligible to win the gift… Continue reading

My Writing: Father Time

I don’t remember the initial idea that I had for what I’m currently calling my ‘Father Time’ story, only that I did have it!  It was not a story that started with an… Continue reading

Book Review: Firebird Trilogy by Kathy Tyers

This post now available here: http://rebekahloper.wordpress.com/2013/08/02/bdn-archive-firebird-trilogy-by-kathy-tyers-book-review/

A Strong Case for Self-Publishing

This might be one of the strongest cases I have seen for fantasy/sci-fi authors to self publish. The Best (Worst) Fantasy & Science Fiction Book Covers You will laugh.  And cry. We fantasy… Continue reading